Tuesday, December 23, 2008

until the next phase . . . (8th state)

With a snow storm approaching new england - it was time to head south - so I stayed with a friend in NJ - when the snow was mostly cleaned up there I was able to get one story before heading home. Again - another very meaningful experience - keeps me humbled - am also very grateful to ALL of you I met and who gave me more insight and/or a piece of your self.     A VERY generous friend in Switzerland gifted me with the ability to continue my next phase of project 2 - as soon as time allows. There were so many wonderful people and their powerful stories - however, again I must keep it to 2 photos per state . . . . 
Will return to several states for other locations for stories . . . I look forward to your comments and please stay posted. hugs s

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As I read your comments I can feel your passion about what you are doing. Your sincerety blesses and humbles me! I admire your enthusiasm and committment towards this documentation about homelessness in our nation. I look forward to spending some time with you when you return to Delaware so you can share this experience with me. Until then, have a very joyous and safe holiday.