Tuesday, December 23, 2008

until the next phase . . . (8th state)

With a snow storm approaching new england - it was time to head south - so I stayed with a friend in NJ - when the snow was mostly cleaned up there I was able to get one story before heading home. Again - another very meaningful experience - keeps me humbled - am also very grateful to ALL of you I met and who gave me more insight and/or a piece of your self.     A VERY generous friend in Switzerland gifted me with the ability to continue my next phase of project 2 - as soon as time allows. There were so many wonderful people and their powerful stories - however, again I must keep it to 2 photos per state . . . . 
Will return to several states for other locations for stories . . . I look forward to your comments and please stay posted. hugs s

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

in Mass!

well it sure is a good thing i listened about the weather farther north! i missed the big ice storm and power outages by a matter of miles! i'm currently in the newton and needham area of mass. I started with one story that led to another and another etc . . . . .  interesting and exciting stories to come! I have added some photos from RI. If you know anyone who has a story to share - I am always looking for people to photograph. I have stories waiting for me in NJ so, that will probably be my next stop on the way home.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

in new england!

wow! where has the time gone???? here it is already december 6th. It has been a bit of a challenge up here, as it is during the holidays and directors of organizations plates are too full to assist me and some have not returned my calls, I'm not giving up! I must say Providence RI has probably the MOST polite drivers i've seen in any state, took me a while to adjust lol! i was very sad on thanksgiving i contacted every church &organization i could find that was serving dinner. they all said they had been turning away volunteers for OVER A MONTH. i truly hope that was the same issue around the country. i felt bad not being able to help, but did get some photographs. found a very special food pantry. will do a follow up there at st. teresa's. there is another organization in providence i want to follow up with. i want to add a special thank you to florence who has been an awesome host! after RI i head for mass and then conn. After sooo many people here told me NOT to go any farther north - i finally listened - so, maine, vermont and new hampshire will be a different trip. hope you stay tuned!  AND A VERY IMPORTANT RESPONSE TO A COMMENT FROM CHARLES IN MISSISSIPPI -your comment is the reason and inspiration that keeps me going with this project and your very kind words mean the world to me -i think of and pray for you and your family often too -thank you!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Departing Again Soon!!!

Even after my brutal weather and bad road warnings! I am preparing to leave for New England!
As I explain to people - this is not a vacation and when it is in bad weather circumstances is when it is often most difficult for people to make ends meet and that is what 'project 2' is about - I plan to leave late Nov. and probably be gone most of December - I am blessed to have a friend of my brother-in-law who will put me up in Rhode Island so that will be my first stop. The bulk of my expenses will be gas, food and some sort of lodging in other states (and as I understand, snow tires! lol!)

My friends and people I've met on the road have been very generous, especially as I know how difficult it is for everyone at this rough time. I will not ask all my past generous friends for money again . . . if you happen upon this and would like to see this endeavor come to fruition - I kindly ask that you read the mission statement at the bottom (info re 'Project 2') and assist as you can - until I get a grant or a donor I will keep working on this very important project on my own as I can.

I'll keep you posted from the North!  I am leaving Tuesday November 25th 2008.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

end of phase 1 of project 2 is complete!

I cannot thank you ALL enough . . . for your generous donations . . . encouragement . . .reading my blog. . . teaching me valuable lessons on the road . . .
I am currently in the process of applying for grant $, corporate funding etc etc to continue this very important project - any ideas are welcome!  most of all i am excited to continue my journey throughout the united states - right now it is looking like  phase 2 will be in the upper north east portion of the country . . . .

stay posted! please check out: http://picasawe.google.com/sarahgreenesphotography/Sarahgreenesphotos

Sunday, August 31, 2008

I am now heading towards home

I am now heading towards home, I never expected to meet the amazing people I've met along this journey - you have all taught me soooo much - to all of you who have changed me and my life, I cannot thank you enough - this includes the very generous people who put me up along my venture, as well as my generous financial donors - those who allowed me to begin this great project and the generous donors that I met across the south.
. . .  I plan to continue project 2 this late fall - winter. I will cover the entire usa, if you or someone you know of has a hardship story (due to layoffs, illness, weather related or any unique situation), please contact me at sarahgphotography@comcast.net I am happy to learn about amazing organizations throughout the country!
PLEASE scroll down and look at the photos I have posted from (very few) of the amazing people I've encountered in phase one of project 2. their stories will amaze and surprise you . . . and hopefully touch you, as they did me!
your comments are appreciated - please stay posted for the next phase - ANY donation is a generous one! I will also now be applying for grants - suggestions and ideas are appreciated!
My prayers are with all the people I have been blessed to meet . . . especially during this frightening weather situation . . . . 

7th stop - waco, tx

waco tx was my final stop for the first leg of  'project 2'. A friend there turned me on to an amazing organization called Caritas - they serve (pantry) food to approx 100 people per day,  . . . with 100 new people in need each month - they have many operations running there, including a shared thrift store (with a church), bulk clothing they send to 3rd world countries, they offer many of their received donations to other non-profit organizations (very affordably), they provide assistance with household needs and utilities on a temporary basis, provide an intake service for runaways and abused women to assist them in finding a safe place to go.
soooo much more - will be in the book!

Monday, August 18, 2008

(4th & 5th stops!) al & ms

Please forgive me for not posting while in Alabama and Mississippi - did not have Wifi connection . . . . . .  Thanks to Rosalyn in Birmingham for finding me a great couple in Montgomery - etc. and to Cynthia in Jackson for putting me up! and providing me with a long list of great people that I interviewd in MS. Sadly I am only able to post 2 photos from each state, difficult to narrow down - have met endless people that overwhelm me! 

Saturday, August 16, 2008

6th stop, new orleans, la

my oh my how time has flown - I seem to start every interview with "hi, what day is it and where am I???" what an amazing adventure this has become and the project is constantly redefining and developing itself with each new incredible person & family that I meet! I am currently in new orleans. la - I have already been to alabama and mississippi. . .  those photos are on now - I leave tonight (sat 16 08) for texas - to anyone reading this blog that I have interviewed, please know that you are all in my hearts and prayers. this project has had a profound impact on my own life and my own plans . . .   thank you for your recent posts - please keep them coming!  I am now in Waco, TX

Saturday, August 2, 2008

3rd stop Alpharetta, GA

I am currently in Alpharetta, GA. a suburb north of Atlanta. Searching for a shelter in the area I was led to the MUST ministries in Marietta. What a unique place - a facility that offers the homeless some very necessary job requirements for any applicants, an address & phone #. They also provide laundry service and much more. A noon meal is provided to anyone in need. Monday I head to Birmingham AL.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

2nd stop Columbia, SC

Jean, the ACORN director in Columbia gave me a few suggestions for locations to check out around town which let me to some interesting people, She also introduced me to young woman, Kathy - who i refer to as the SC angel! I followed Kathy around for a few days and now have some very interesting stories here including a special group of people (one of Kathy's ministries) and the 8 pastors at a small church in W. Columbia - a powerful group of people at a little church - this will be an exciting entry in my exhibit and book.

Monday, July 14, 2008

1st Stop Raleigh NC

Monday July 13,08  wow - what a beautiful drive down here from Delware this is a beautiful area  - Dustin in Raleigh was wonderful he drove me to some areas of interest for my project that I will hopefully be able to connect with tomorrow - it is looking like my next stop will be in Columbia SC. I have met some wonderful people here (through my brother Josh) who are willing to donate to the community for the long haul - details later! This has been a wonderful start to 'PROJECT 2'  -- gas is high here, so PLEASE keep those donations coming in!  thank you all who are making this possible - s

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


The purpose of 'Project 2' is to "focus awareness" of the growing poverty and the 'new homeless' in America through the visual power of Photography. In July 'o8, I began my journey covering portions of the south, southwest and several states in New England photojournalistically documenting our neighbors who are enduring the hardships of every day life without adequate food or shelter. As the numbers of these families are growing across the country, it is important that this problem be illustrated by showing the Real Faces and stories of many of the affected by the current economy. Another piece of Project 2 will be to include the many neighborhood & national organizations reaching out to help as they can - however, with the overwhelming increase of people without they are unable to keep up with the needs.

After phase one of 'Project 2' was complete so many more situations became aware to me, after photographing many hard working people in real struggles to stay afloat, this project became much more personal. I think often about the people I have met on the road and wonder often if they are still in their homes . . . . or safe where they are???

'One Thing' is all it takes to change a person & families lives forever - layoffs, illness, predatory lending, grandparent to parenting, added medications . . . 'one thing' that can and is changing peoples lives.

'The ultimate goal is to have a nationwide traveling exhibit and a published book'
The traveling exhibit will reach libraries, colleges and locations where the future of our country can have an opportunity to view unfamiliar realities - or to see others who have dealt with similar situations with a discussion w/questions and answers. Ideally I'd love to open the eyes of the many people who are unaware or do not accept this constant crisis. So far with my documentary I have photographed families that would surprise many of their friends and neighbors - this is NOT a crisis limited to one caste, job or geographical location.

However, I need your help! Please be a Giving Person / Company /Organization by generously reaching into your pockets and gifting whatever amount your wallet will allow. All gifts are greatly appreciated and will help make this project a reality. You can make monthly contributions if you cannot give all you'd like to give at one time. All monies will go towards assisting with travel / project expenses; e.g. gas, lodging, food, maps, compact camera flash cards, flash batteries, gas, portrait gifts for families, gifts for the children, photo printing, gas, road emergencies, water, ice, showers at campgrounds, necessary expenses, CD's, journals, coffee, gas, future expenses with the traveling exhibit, book publishing and, did I mention gas? My travels, with information and photographs showing how your gifts to this effort are at work, may be followed on this blog. All gifts will be duly recognized in anything published or exhibited: Friends - $25 - $499 Sponsors - $500 - $999 Benefactors - $1,000 - $4,999 Patrons - $5,000 + Please make checks out to: Greene Photography - Under Memo you MUST Write: ACCOUNT #2 Mail to: Delaware National Bank • PO Box 513 • Lewes, DE • 19958 (Delaware National will provide me with copies of Checks Deposited to be able to Record all Financial Gifts)